The Covid Vaxx

People have gotten sick after getting vaxxed. Some people in my life that got the vax are questioning the vax now. The idea that they need a third “booster” in less than a year has them questioning the vax and what the vax is. Historically vaccines were never something that had to be gotten more …

Religiously Wearing Masks is Causing the Massive Numbers of Infected People

I am mainly going to use logic and reason to explain why this is the case. The assumption is that the virus is very much real and the statistics about it we are told are completely accurate and true. I will not be making any claims about numbers being inflated. No conspiracy theories. Or I …

News Media Outlets Remind Folks that Covid-19 is Pretty Much Like World War II, Nothing Like the Flu.

Mainstream news outlets have been busy investigating the proper thing to compare the Covid-19 virus to in order to have a baseline as to how dangerous they want you to think the virus is. Today it was discovered that the perfect thing that was best to compare Covid-19 to was World War II. “We have …