The Covid Vaxx

People have gotten sick after getting vaxxed. Some people in my life that got the vax are questioning the vax now. The idea that they need a third “booster” in less than a year has them questioning the vax and what the vax is. Historically vaccines were never something that had to be gotten more …

The Lies Are Being Realized

People are going to finally realize that everything they have been taught and everything they are being told is a lie. “Science” is a religion that is losing it’s members. People are recognizing that trusting “science” is putting trust in a religious belief. There is actual science, however most of that happens outside of anything …

Religiously Wearing Masks is Causing the Massive Numbers of Infected People

I am mainly going to use logic and reason to explain why this is the case. The assumption is that the virus is very much real and the statistics about it we are told are completely accurate and true. I will not be making any claims about numbers being inflated. No conspiracy theories. Or I …

How much does it cost to get “Covid Relief?”

I see it going around that President Biden is offering up a $1.9 Trillion bill that will “give” people $1,400 “relief” payments. If we do some simple research, we can go to the U.S. debt clock and find out that there are currently around 125,000,000 (One-Hundred and Twenty Five Million) U.S. Income Tax payers. If …