How much does it cost to get “Covid Relief?”

I see it going around that President Biden is offering up a $1.9 Trillion bill that will “give” people $1,400 “relief” payments. If we do some simple research, we can go to the U.S. debt clock and find out that there are currently around 125,000,000 (One-Hundred and Twenty Five Million) U.S. Income Tax payers. If …

Amazon Accidentally Removes Wrong Social Media Platform From Its Web Hosting Services.

In a blunder of epic proportions, Amazon completely removed the social media platform, Twitter, from its web hosting services. “I just thought, ‘Oh crap, Dorsey is going to think we’re in bed with Parler!’” Jeff Bezos replied when asked about the blunder. “We were just trying to free up more space for Twitter. Parler was …

News Media Outlets Remind Folks that Covid-19 is Pretty Much Like World War II, Nothing Like the Flu.

Mainstream news outlets have been busy investigating the proper thing to compare the Covid-19 virus to in order to have a baseline as to how dangerous they want you to think the virus is. Today it was discovered that the perfect thing that was best to compare Covid-19 to was World War II. “We have …

Sunglass Hut Booth in Front of Mall Food Court to be Sole Supplier of Rose Colored Glasses in Covid Relief Bill.

The Sunglass Hut booth down at the mall near the food court is slated to become the sole supplier of rose colored glasses for the next Covid Relief Bill being brought forward in congress. The main sponsor, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, says she has been listening to all her constituents and how they all are suffering because …

Joe Biden Signs Executive Order Declaring Himself the President of the United States of America.

President Joe Biden, concerned with the fact that former president Donald Trump won the 2020 presidential election, quickly took to executive orders on the first day of being President of the United States of America and declared himself the President of the United States of America. Democrat leaders have been concerned about the fact that …

The end of these social engineering websites is coming.

The exodus from social engineering websites, such as Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter, is coming. Not only are they purging wrongthinkers, but people are noticing it and leaving these websites in droves. Likely it is mostly the conservatives jumping off of this nightmare train while most liberals are cheering on the actions. This is my website. …