The Lies Are Being Realized

People are going to finally realize that everything they have been taught and everything they are being told is a lie.

“Science” is a religion that is losing it’s members. People are recognizing that trusting “science” is putting trust in a religious belief. There is actual science, however most of that happens outside of anything mainstream.

There is a reason there is this repeat of “the space race” being thrown out there. Real science is starting to reveal the truth of this earth and the truth of what is happening. I imagine the same thing was going on when the space race had first began.

I think, though, there are too many people for them to control this time around. The vaccine is an attempt to get you to comply, to show them that they control you. Those who refuse that control, they are now attempting to kill them. The “pandemic of the unvaccinated” they say. “Unvaccinated” people get put in hospitals or take themselves to hospitals. Then the doctors give these people drugs that may kill their kidneys and cause them to drown to death in their own bodily fluids.

They cannot really straight out come and kill you, they have to make you consent. The jab could kill you but you consent to it. They could kill you in the hospital with the drugs, but you would consent to it.
I believe it is possible that 100% of “covid” deaths are actually a result of the drugs doctors are giving people for treatment. On a more conservative level of an estimate, based on the total numbers of covid cases and the side effects of kidney failure from remdesivir, along with other side effects, you are looking at probably 2/3rds of the deaths are a result of the drug. This assuming a large number of these cases are or were being treated with remdesivir. ordine cialis on line Each Propecia supplement is made up of 1mg involving Finasteride, a drug actually utilized to combat cancer of prostate that face men 50. Women lack of sex desire is common, but you need to consult a sexologist for online pharmacy levitra Best ED Treatment. It is buy cialis just the same with females that can refer to the gynaecologists and to their mother while traditionally males refer to their fathers about genital and reproductive issues much less than girls do with their mothers. Kamagra is formed in the various forms such as tablets and oral jellies, buy cialis check for info Kamagra offers an effective means of combating dysfunction in men, it also comes with certain safety measures which if not followed lead to accidents and mishaps underwater.

I imagine these “long haul covid” people are actually experiencing the results of their organs being damaged by the drug they were being treated with.
Hell, they may be depending on the fact that you will find out that the drug is what is killing people so they can get you to consent to the jab.

Get yourself healthy. If you are too fat, stop eating. Eat less. Fast for however long it takes to get you to lose the weight you need to lose. Go look up the Snake Diet. That guy shows you the salts to mix into water for you to drink while you eat nothing for however long it takes you to lose the weight. You may even cure many, if not all, diseases or bodily issues with the fast.

People have lost nearly all sense of how their own bodies work. If you are a starving child in Africa, you need to eat, however, if you are fat, hell, if you are an American, you probably don’t need to eat for a week.
Also, you know, if you are sick, get yourself some mint tea and fresh lemons. You can add honey into the mix too. Drink that honey lemon mint tea constantly so you are having to pee every 5 minutes. No sugar. Do not eat any sugar either. Heck, maybe don’t even eat any food whatsoever. If you don’t start feeling better that day, the next day you will feel better.

You may not necessarily have to have the mint and honey, the lemon may be enough. There is nothing wrong with chugging down lots of hot lemon water. You’ll just have to pee alot.
Most importantly, go look into this stuff yourself. Most everything we see or hear is a lie. There is very little truth being told and when you see people grouping up against and disregarding what may appear to be a “novel” idea, you may be seeing the truth trying to push through the lies.

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