Religiously Wearing Masks is Causing the Massive Numbers of Infected People

I am mainly going to use logic and reason to explain why this is the case. The assumption is that the virus is very much real and the statistics about it we are told are completely accurate and true. I will not be making any claims about numbers being inflated. No conspiracy theories. Or I guess, at the most, a person could theorize that the government is forcing us to wear masks in order to increase numbers of infected people to maintain their control. However, I am going to point at things that are facts and if you want to believe it is not true that people are getting sick because of mask wearing, you will be stuck with the thoughts of this in your head because the facts cannot be denied.

So, let’s begin.

It is hard to know where to start, so I am going to start with this: What is the difference between, say, a hospital surgery room and the checkout lane at Costco? There is a difference, right? Would you feel just as safe having open heart surgery at the checkout lane in a Costco as in a room dedicated to surgeries in a hospital? Everyone is wearing masks, right? Doctors wear masks and it works for them, so it should work for you at the checkout lane in a Costco, right?


It should be absolutely clear to you that even if you and your cashier are wearing a mask, you are in a vastly different location. A hospital surgery room is going to be far more sanitary than the checkout lane in a Costco.

Also, you need to know all the protocols for wearing a mask. You will touch your mask. Every time you touch your mask you contaminate it. If you do not sanitize your hands before touching your mask, you will contaminate your mask.

The mask is a place for viruses and bacteria to live, it does not kill or otherwise remove the viruses and bacteria. They are all sitting and waiting on that thing that you religiously keep on your face for possibly hours upon hours on end. The virus and other bacteria are just millimeters from your face if not sitting squeezed between your face and mask.

A doctor doesn’t touch their mask. They are also wearing gloves and in a very clean location. Also, they probably will get bodily juices on their mask if they try to touch their mask. They will absolutely sanitize their hands before touching their mask, or they will throw the mask away and sanitize and get a new mask if they dirty their mask.

You don’t do that. You yawn or start talking and your mask falls off of your nose. You then immediately grab your mask, contaminating it, and pull it back up. At this point you are supposed to throw your mask away, but instead you continue on as if nothing is wrong with what you did. You are supposed to sanitize your hands whenever you want to touch your mask. You are supposed to throw your mask away, or sanitize your mask whenever you touch your mask without sanitizing.

You are not doing any of those things. All the viruses and bacteria are still sitting on your mask.

You keep your masks on your dashboard, hanging off of your rearview mirror, or just in your pocket. Is your car really as sanitary as the room for surgery in a hospital? No. You still have a pickle from a hamburger you had 4 years ago sitting in the crevice between the seats. Your pockets are also super dirty. You probably didn’t sanitize your pockets and if you did, your pockets had your keys, which you didn’t sanitize. Which you grabbed to start your car, contaminating your hands.

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Did you sanitize your hands before you got in the car, after, or before you got out? Did you sanitize before putting your mask on? No. You contaminated your mask before using it for the first time. Now you are wearing a contaminated mask. The virus is now sitting on the inside of the mask, only millimeters from your breathing orifices. Now for the next few hours you are going to be breathing in and out giving that virus or bacteria plenty of time to dislodge and enter your body. Maybe the virus will fly into and out of your body a few times, the mask keeping the thing from going any further than maybe a few millimeters from your face. So you get to breath it in and out multiple times until it finally lodges itself in your body.

Normally, a virus and bacteria floating about the ether may be inhaled in and could be inhaled back out based on the idea that the virus travels on your breath particles. Without a mask, the virus might flutter about and reach a final resting place on the floor. With a mask, though, if that virus or bacteria happens to get between your mask and your face, you are likely doomed to be infected due to the fact that you religiously wear that mask and do not follow any of the necessary protocols to prevent contamination.

These contamination situations are happening on a massive scale. You can see all kinds of videos of protesters, politicians, and other people taking off their masks or touching their masks without sanitizing it. I remember watching a woman making a speech at a BLM rally in Portland, OR where almost every word she said her mask came off of her nose and every time she touched her mask to put in back in place. She did not sanitize her hands every time that happened. There are videos of politicians taking their masks off when they go to the podium to speak. Even the press briefings for the president. Dr. Fauci takes his mask off too and doesn’t sanitize. All these people are contaminating their mask when they do that. They do not throw the mask away and get another mask, they put the same mask on their face when they are done speaking. They do not even store the mask in any sanitary fashion.

People are being infected on a massive scale because of them religiously wearing masks without any of the necessary sanitation protocols.

We also cannot forget about people taking unnecessary risks because they think the mask protects them. People crowd stores because they have fewer options, and they are doing things they normally wouldn’t do that actually is putting them at greater risk of infection because they are around more people and not following any of the sanitation protocols necessary when wearing a mask. Just like football players getting concussions even with wearing all the protective gear, people are infected even though they are wearing all the protective gear. Football players hit each other harder than they normally would because they have protective gear, this results in an increase in concussions. People are taking more risks because they think the mask will protect them from getting sick.

The number of infections would be far fewer without the mask wearing.

I understand that we are all humans which is why wearing a mask should, at the most, be a personal decision and not a government decision. However I understand that there are people, knowing this information to be true, that would use this information as a way to enact government to mandate proper sanitation.

Then there are those that just don’t want to believe their religious mask wearing is putting them at greater risk of infection.

These things are happening. These things cannot be denied as happening. This is the only reasonable and logical explanation as to why infections have spiked so high. Any other explanation will take some pretty extraordinary evidence or some pretty huge conspiracy theories.

You have people wearing contaminated masks everywhere, it is right in front of your face. (pun both intended and not intended.)

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